Monday, July 20, 2015

Bouncing Box animation in Python using PyGame

Bouncy is a class which demonstrates Bouncing rectangle animation which options like resolution, bouncy rectangle size, speed. Whenever it collides with the borders or wall it plays a sound. The code doesn't have any Magic Numbers, everything has been named pretty well so that it is readable to most and many error handling cases has been handled (These being the reason that the code is long else it can be reduced).

How to use ?

Just initialize the class with the parameters. if you don't give any params a default value is taken.

Parameters :-

1. resolution : Takes a tuple of values for Screen Size like (800, 600). Default Value : (640, 480)
2. rectobj_size : Takes a tuple of values for rectangle object size like (40, 30). Default Value : (50, 50)
3. speed : Animation Speed. Min value 1

Example :-

Bouncy( ( 600, 400 ), ( 40, 40 ), 5 ) or Bouncy( resolution = ( 600, 400 ), rectobj_size = ( 40, 40 ), speed = 5 )



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