Sunday, June 14, 2015

Generate Wordlists in Backtrack 5 R3 using Crunch

In this post I will discuss How to generate wordlists in Backtrack 5 R3 using Crunch. Though this video was made long ago but the procedure is same for the latest version of backtrack which is known as Kali Linux now. Watch the Video and I hope that you will find this useful.

Okay! Here's a bit of Explanation :-

Crunch is a tool that is pre-installed with backtrack. It is a very usefull tool  that helps you to generate wordlists for bruteforcing, according to your need. So, How we do it?

Follow the steps below :-

Step 1:
Open Backtrack terminal and write the following:-

cd /pentest/passwords/crunch

Now to use crunch we will first move to the folder above.

Step 2:
Write in the terminal :-

./crunch 7 7 acbd143 -t EHF@@@@ -o EHFlist.lst

Step 3:
Enter in the above will give you the message that the wordlist has been created (when 100% is written on the terminal screen)

Step 4:
Navigate to the /pentest/passwords/crunch folder and you will find the file EHFlist.lst, rename this to EHF.txt and open it and you will see the resultant words of Step 2


"7 7 acbd143" - this means that the password length will be 7 charecters and it will contain the charecters a,c,b,d,1,4,3

"EHF@@@@" - It means that the passwords will contain the first three charecters same that is EHF, and the rest of the charecters @@@@ will be repeated with the charecters "a,c,b,d,1,4,3"
This will generate the while of the list.

So , using crunch you have a lot better flexibility and you have the option to make it the way you want

Watch the Video for more Clear Description 


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