Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 Most Funny Java Videos on Youtube

Duke, the Java Mascot, in the waving pose. Duk...
Duke, the Java Mascot. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I found some really funny Java videos which are to be taken as jokes and for humour. If you have known Java then you will surely like these videos. I made a collection of them. So lets get started.

5. The Funny JavaRap

Lets with a little funny JavaRap.

4. The Java Heist

An old man thinks f*cking Technology sucks. Well he had put his hopes too high on his plan of action but ended up loving Java and Technology, "This is fucking Brilliant"

3. Java v/s .NET, Java Forever and Ever Movie

Nothing more to say. Watch the video and laugh your arse off :D

2. Javapocalypse and The dawn of Javatar

The world thinks Java is "A Virus" since it is less secure. But when Java was shut down. The inevitable Apocalypse soon took place. Now the Javatar is world last Hope.

1. Game of Codes

Its a Game of Thrones clone for Java. The following video is at the of my list.


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